Social programs and campaigns

Safety my second name

For years, we have been running an education and information campaign under the slogan SAFETY, MY SECOND NAME, which aims to increase the level of traveler safety on Polish roads – not only on highways, but also in cities and small towns.

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AmberOne Close to Us

The idea of ​​the AmberOne Close to Us program, which we have been implementing since 2017, is to support small social initiatives that are important from the point of view of ecology and road safety in the municipalities around our highway. Local communities have the best knowledge of their needs and the greatest willingness to improve the infrastructure of their area, contributing to the improvement of the quality of life of these communities.

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Let’s respect each other!

The A1 AmberOne Motorway is not only a road. It is also a sense of safety. That is why we not only care about the quality of the surface, but through numerous campaigns we remind our Travellers that road safety is a shared responsibility. For years, we have been focusing on a simple principle: LET’S RESPECT EACH OTHER. A driver who respects himself and others chooses cooperation instead of competition and kindness over aggression. And this already changes a lot on Polish roads.

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AmberGreen aims to implement as many “green” solutions as possible to protect the climate. The expected effect of our actions will be to minimize the environmental impact of the motorway. The programme will implement projects related to the gradual introduction of ecological solutions to infrastructure and surroundings on or near the Motorway, e.g. LED lighting, solar panels, waste segregation on MOPs, cooperation with beekeepers, planting plants or environmental education.

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Attention Driver, rescue services exercises on A1!

On 5 December, on the A1 motorway at the level of the Kleszczewko MOP, rescue services will carry out exercises consisting in the simulation of an accident. If you notice an accident between 10.00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m. while driving past the Kleszczewko MOP, please do not call the Operator’s emergency phone number or other rescue services with information about the accident, because during these hours the Kleszczewko MOP will be the place of exercises.

In connection with the planned exercises, the following will take place:

– closing the lane in the direction of Gdańsk and redirecting traffic through the Kleszczewko MOP – parking at the Kleszczewko MOP in the direction of Gdańsk will be inaccessible to heavy goods vehicles