Driver! Plan your trip and avoid traffic jams.

May weekend by the sea! YES! We advise you how to plan a trip to reach your destination quickly and most importantly – safely.
If you are planning a trip in first May weekend, take into account periods of the most intense highway traffic. Pay attention to information about possible difficulties. You will find them on the advertisements posted on the entrances and on the boards of variable content along the motorway.
Current information on the situation on our motorway and many other features, such as: detailed instructions on how to proceed in the emergency stop on the motorway, information about the payment for trip, appearing just before the motorway exit and many more, you will find in our AmberOne application.

Attention Driver, rescue services exercises on A1!

On 5 December, on the A1 motorway at the level of the Kleszczewko MOP, rescue services will carry out exercises consisting in the simulation of an accident. If you notice an accident between 10.00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m. while driving past the Kleszczewko MOP, please do not call the Operator’s emergency phone number or other rescue services with information about the accident, because during these hours the Kleszczewko MOP will be the place of exercises.

In connection with the planned exercises, the following will take place:

– closing the lane in the direction of Gdańsk and redirecting traffic through the Kleszczewko MOP – parking at the Kleszczewko MOP in the direction of Gdańsk will be inaccessible to heavy goods vehicles