
During summer weekends on AmberOne Motorway tolls are collected in a regular manner.

By the decision of Minister of Infrastructure the temporary opening of the toll booths may occure only under special circumstances. The final decision about booms’ opening is made by the operator depending on the current situation on Toll Plazas.

Km 0 to km 2+420 Rusocin junction

Stage 2: partial closing of the gates. Traffic on the roadway in the direction of Gdańsk runs in one lane.

Km 50+600 to 57+300 between Pelplin -Kopytkowo junctions:

Traffic takes place on two lanes in the direction of Gdańsk and one lane in the direction of Łódź.

Km 65+150 to 74+980 between the Kopytkowo – Warlubie junctions:

The Warlubie junction is closed in the direction of Gdańsk. MOP Gajewo is closed in the direction of Gdańsk.

Traffic takes place on two lanes in the direction of Łódź and one lane in the direction of Gdańsk.

For more information See where renovation works are currently being carried out