
Full functionality of the AmberGO automatic payment method!

As of 25 June 2019, the automatic payment method, AmberGO, has worked at all junctions and all gates located on the A1 AmberOne Motorway. Listening to the feedback from the AmberGO users, we have marked all gates as appropriate.  In addition, a dedicated gate available solely for active users of the AmberGO will be launched at each of the toll plazas.  The latter gate will bear the symbol of AmberGO and a crossed symbol of the toll collector meaning that traditional payment method (cash/card) will not be available there.

We are providing the users with a modern, functional, and well-working payment method which offers a chance for shortening the queues which form at the motorway gates in the peak traffic time, i.e. the summer vacation period. AmberGO and off you go …..!

Km 65+74 between the Kopytkowo – Warlubie junctions:

The Warlubie junction is closed in the direction of Gdańsk. MOP Gajewo is closed in the direction of Gdańsk.

Traffic takes place on two lanes in the direction of Łódź and one lane in the direction of Gdańsk.

Km 24+30 between the Swarożyn – Pelplin junctions:

The Swarożyn junction is closed in the direction of Łódź.

Traffic takes place on two lanes in the direction of Gdańsk and one lane in the direction of Łódź.

For more information See where renovation works are currently being carried out