
The AmberOne Close to Us Competition results 2017

In our competition AmberOne Close to Us, we received 10 applications out of which 8 satisfied the formal requirements.  All applications were submitted in the category: AmberOne Close to Us 5000.  From among the applications received, the commission selected 4 winning projects and one special distinction.  Below, we provide brief descriptions of the winning projects.


Project title: MOP – Mój Osobisty Postój [My Personal Stop]

Applicant:  ‘Lepsze jutro’ [Better Tomorrow] Association, Commune of Stolno

The project aims at improving the quality life of the dwellers of the Gorzuchowo rural administrative area by erecting a canopy nicknamed ‘MoP – My Personal Stop’ to serve as a bus stop shed for the children commuting to the nearby school, a place to rest and reflect, and a place where one can obtain information on the direction towards the motorway, its route, and the rules of travelling on the motorway (the speed limit on the motorway versus speeds on other roads, the forms and types of road signs, the exits, the entire road route, and the vital telephone numbers – educational form).


Project title: Atrakcyjnie i bezpiecznie [Attractive and Safe]


Applicant: Rajkowiacy Razem [Rajkowy Dwellers Hand in Hand] Association, Commune of Pelplin


The purpose of the project is to educate and arrange well-spent time for ca 80 children of the Rajkowy village through organisation of topical field workshops on traffic safety and examples of good behavior among traffic participants.  The project will benefit directly about 80 children in the pre-school and school age.  Indirectly, the parents of the children and their entire families will benefit too.  All village dwellers will make up the third group of beneficiaries since enhanced safety of the youngest will do good to everyone.  Putting up a safety barrier at the exit from the playground next to the village clubhouse will add to safety.



Project title: Będzie czysto i będzie bezpiecznie [It Will Be Tidy and Safe]


Applicant: Na Rzecz Ochrony Zdrowia [For Health Protection] Association in Kowalewo Pomorskie


Development of a square.

Environmental purpose:

– clearing the land by removing wild-growing bush stands, levelling the bumps, collecting the garbage,

– levelling, landscaping, and recultivating the land, planting bushes and dwarf trees

– putting a bench to rest and meet friends

Safety purpose:

– improving sight clearance for the drivers in the road and at the crossing of three streets.

– arranging a safe passage for those on foot: across the green instead of following the road edge

– laying kerb stones along a section of 200 rm, which will direct storm water from the area to the drains.  This will eliminate the flooding of the road which covers the asphalt with a film of mud making the pavement slippery and icy in the winter, the cause of several crashes already recorded.



Project title: Kodeks drogowy jak kodeks rycerski [Traffic Code – Knights Code of Honour]


Applicant: Community Centre in Subkowy, Commune of Subkowy


The ‘Traffic Code – Knights Code of Honour’ project is made up of several modules and addresses the needs of the young in the Commune of Subkowy.  Over several months, the organisers want to create materials on traffic safety and form a young team who will promote the rules among their younger mates at special workshops.  The exceptional and unique style of the project can only help promote safety awareness and knowledge in the commune crossed by busy roads and a railway line.



Project title: Twój pies – nasze bezpieczeństwo [Your Dog – Our Safety]


Applicant: Stowarzyszenie Przewodników psów poszukiwawczych [Association of Disaster Search Dog Leaders] – NOS Group, Commune of Pruszcz Gdański


The purpose of the project is to increase safety in the Commune of Pruszcz Gdański, focusing on road incidents caused by homeless, wandering dogs and those under the care of ignorant owners.  The idea is to attain the goal through building the awareness of the residents of the Commune of Pruszcz Gdański as to what it means to have a dog and what obligations ensue therefrom.  The project envisages a cycle of meetings with the commune population, including a lecture on the responsibility (and legal liability) one takes for the dog on the road, the principles of leading the dog safely (not letting it jump out of the car straight into the street, having the dog sit before a pedestrian crossing, transporting animals), and practical training.  We assume that trained dogs with informed leaders will cease posing a risk to the road traffic and their own neighbourhood.

Km 65+74 between the Kopytkowo – Warlubie junctions:

The Warlubie junction is closed in the direction of Gdańsk. MOP Gajewo is closed in the direction of Gdańsk.

Traffic takes place on two lanes in the direction of Łódź and one lane in the direction of Gdańsk.

Km 24+30 between the Swarożyn – Pelplin junctions:

The Swarożyn junction is closed in the direction of Łódź.

Traffic takes place on two lanes in the direction of Gdańsk and one lane in the direction of Łódź.

For more information See where renovation works are currently being carried out