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Toll calculator and trip planning

All the information you need before traveling in one place. Here you can check the route and the cost of the journey, see the current situation at the toll gates, learn about the MOP equipment and the rules of automatic AmberGO payments.

PLAN YOUR TRIPCheck the price and route

Travel cost 0 PLN
Distance 0 km
MOPs allong the way ( 0 )

0km from start interchange

0km from end interchange

TABLE OF FEESCheck the details

The A1 Motorway tolling system is so called “closed” system. A ticket is collected at entry gates while starting the journey and payment is made at the end of the journey, at the exit gates. The toll amount is calculated as the function of the vehicle category and the distance driven.

Toll stations (SPOs), except for the main toll plazas (PPOs) in the main corridor, are located on the entry and exit roads (the so-called slip roads) of the motorway junctions. There are twelve toll collection sites along the Motorway in total: PPO Rusocin, SPO Stanisławie, SPO Swarożyn, SPO Pelplin, SPO Kopytkowo, SPO Warlubie, SPO Nowe Marzy, SPO Grudziądz, SPO Lisewo, SPO Turzno, SPO Lubicz, and PPO Nowa Wieś.

Upon entering the motorway, you collect a single-ride ticket entitling you to drive any fragment of the road between Rusocin and Nowa Wieś. You must keep the ticket, as it will be used to charge the toll.

Having no valid entrance ticket to present you will be charged the maximum rate set in the valid tariff for the specific vehicle category and the specific tolling site.

1 This class compromises all vehicles with two axles, no dual wheels
1a This class compromises all motorcycles; it’s a sub-category of category 1
2 This class compromises all vehicles with two axles and dual wheels on at least one of them
2a This vehicle class covers all vehicles with more than two axles but no dual wheels. In other words these are vehicles category 1 with a trailer, or vehicles with more than two axles but no dual wheels. The number of axles in the trailer has no bearing on the vehicle category, i.e. irrespective of the number of axles the vehicle still fall under category 2a
3 This class compromises all vehicles with three axles and dual wheels on at least one of them
4 This class groups all vehicles with more than three axles and dual wheels on at least one axle
5 This class covers all vehicles which do not match any of the above Tolling Categories 1 - 4. Here come especially the non-standard vehicles defined in the Road Traffic Low (RTL).

The toll rates, set by the Minister of Infrastructure per kilometer, net of VAT, are presented in the table below:

The rates, VAT inclusive (valid as of 11 February 2012)



RusocinStanisławieSwarożynPelplinKopytkowoWarlubieNowe MarzyGrudziądzLisewoTurznoLubiczNowa Wieś
Nowe Marzy17.614.112.710.26.32.9-
Nowa Wieś29.926.42522.518.615.212.310.77.63.22-


RusocinStanisławieSwarożynPelplinKopytkowoWarlubieNowe MarzyGrudziądzLisewoTurznoLubiczNowa Wieś
Nowe Marzy41.833.530.224.314.96.8-3.711.121.624.529.2
Nowa Wieś7162.759.453.544.13629.225.518.17.64.7-


RusocinStanisławieSwarożynPelplinKopytkowoWarlubieNowe MarzyGrudziądzLisewoTurznoLubiczNowa Wieś
Nowe Marzy176141.2127.3102.462.928.7-15.546.590.9103122.9
Nowa Wieś298.9264.1250.2225.3185.8151.6122.9107.476.43219.9-
Foreign currencies are accepted, provided the banknote par value does not exceed 100. You will receive your change in the Polish zlotys
Credit and debit cards
Fleet cards
Electronic payments

The Company does not issue VAT invoices for the paid A1 Motorway toll.

The regulations of the Goods and Services Tax Act and the secondary legislation thereto [i.e. Regulation of the Minister of Finance, dated 29 October 2021, on the issuance of invoices (Journal of Laws from 2021 it. 685)] list the compulsory elements of a VAT invoice. Pursuant to the regulations, the receipt confirming the effected payment for using a toll motorway (cash register receipt) is a VAT invoice as construed in the VAT tax law. The invoice number is the unique print number located at the top of the receipt next to the date of issue.

The receipt further constitutes a document evidencing performance of a service, as referred to in Article 87 of the Tax Law Act, and satisfies the prerequisite feature of such document, i.e. it confirms the performance of the service consisting in making the motorway available for use.

Pursuant to the applicable regulations (§ 3.4.a-f of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance on issuing invoices, dated 29 October 2021, Journal of Law 2021, item 685), cash register receipts enable fiscal recognition of the toll paid for the use of the A1 motorway as a tax-deductible and VAT tax input credit item.

Please, also note that the company does not issue duplicate cash register receipts, nor can it print copies thereof from the register.

A duplicate of a cash register receipt is not the same as a copy of a cash register. A duplicate is a counterpart of a document, identical with the original (generated from the same source). This, combined with no technical possibility and the applicable tax regulations prevents generation of duplicates from cash registers.

The ticket is the document entitling the holder to a single ride on the A1 motorway along any selected fragment of the Rusocin-Toruń section. It remains valid for 48 hours after issue. The ticket should be kept for control at the toll gate. Having no valid ticket a driver is obliged to pay the maximum rate envisaged in the valid toll rate table.

The above does not apply to users of our electronic toll collection AmberGO.

This is to advise that pursuant to section 5 of the Act of 29 August 2014 on Amendments to the Act on Public Roads, Act on toll motorways and the National Road Fund, and the Act on road transport (Journal of Law of 1 October 2014, item 1310), the agreements on construction and operation, or operation only of motorways which were concluded before the effective date of the Act of Law are subject to the previous regulations. The agreement with GTC S.A. was signed before the date the above-indicated Act of Law came into force and effect, hence it does not alter the catalogue of the vehicles exempt from the toll defined in the above agreement.

Service AreasWhere to stop

Seven double Services Areas (MOPs), one for each carriageway in a set, are located along the 152-km section of the A1 Motorway. The purpose of the MOPs is to give the travellers an opportunity to rest. The services available there make the journey more comfortable for both the drivers and passengers.

Fuel stations
Fuel stations
EV charging stations
EV charging stations
Toilets for the disabled
Toilets for the disabled
Baby changing tables
Baby changing tables
Picnic Places
Picnic Places
Catering facilities
Catering facilities
Grocery shop
Grocery shop
Cash machine
Cash machine
Free Wi-Fi
Free Wi-Fi

AmberGOautomatic payments


Automatic payment system for tolls on the AmberOne A1 Motorway based on reading registration numbers by cameras installed on toll gates. You only need to register once in the AmberGO system to pass the gates without stopping, as the payment is made online automatically.

Learn more

ECO-CALCULATORExhaust and fuel emission calculator


Eco-driving means economy and ecology go hand in hand: lower exhaust emissions and greater savings


RulesMotorway A1

Regulations for using the toll “AmberOne” A1 Motorway on the Rusocin – Toruń section.

Download the regulations of the A1 motorway

Attention Driver, rescue services exercises on A1!

On 5 December, on the A1 motorway at the level of the Kleszczewko MOP, rescue services will carry out exercises consisting in the simulation of an accident. If you notice an accident between 10.00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m. while driving past the Kleszczewko MOP, please do not call the Operator’s emergency phone number or other rescue services with information about the accident, because during these hours the Kleszczewko MOP will be the place of exercises.

In connection with the planned exercises, the following will take place:

– closing the lane in the direction of Gdańsk and redirecting traffic through the Kleszczewko MOP – parking at the Kleszczewko MOP in the direction of Gdańsk will be inaccessible to heavy goods vehicles