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All the information you need before traveling in one place. Here you can check the route and the cost of the journey, see the current situation at the toll gates, learn about the Service Areas equipment and the rules of automatic AmberGO payments.

Driver's Guide Bookwith cultural driver's code



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AmberPodcastSafe and eco-friendly driving

Thanks to a series of conversations with experts, you will learn everything you need to know about safe and eco-friendly driving on the highway and beyond!

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Test your knowledge of road safety rules and first aid and see if you are an nAmberOne driver.

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STICK TO THE RULESEmergency stopping on the highway

The campaign under the slogan STICK TO THE RULES is devoted to the situation of emergency stopping on the highway.

Education of users of highways and expressways promotes the 6 golden rules of stopping, which ensure the safety of travelers in the event of a vehicle breakdown.

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Our AppsUseful when traveling

The AmberOne mobile application facilitates traveling on our motorway. Travelers have quick access to current route information, a fee calculator and tourist information. The application also enables direct registration in AmberGO system.

The AmberOne application is available free of charge in Google Play and AppStore stores.

App privacy policy available here.

With the youngest road users in mind, we prepared an interactive game: Ambrose on the Road. The game reaches for simple means to teach that the emergency lane is reserved for no one but the rescue teams and broken down vehicles, and that the maximum permissible speed on the motorway is 140 km/h. The game is available from Google Play store.


GTC S.A. and the Operator, Intertoll Polska, work hand in hand taking numerous actions to reduce the number of traffic incidents on the A1 Motorway. In effect, the A1 Motorway ensures comfort and safe travel to all its users.

AMBERNEWSAmberOne Quarterly

02/2024 AmberNews

On AmberNews we publish everything that is interesting for our drivers. These are current events, campaigns, competitions, a seasonal review of tourist attractions in the communes located along our highway and, above all, travel safety issues. Everyone will find something for themselves here!

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Km 65+74 between the Kopytkowo – Warlubie junctions:

The Warlubie junction is closed in the direction of Gdańsk. MOP Gajewo is closed in the direction of Gdańsk.

Traffic takes place on two lanes in the direction of Łódź and one lane in the direction of Gdańsk.

Km 24+30 between the Swarożyn – Pelplin junctions:

The Swarożyn junction is closed in the direction of Łódź.

Traffic takes place on two lanes in the direction of Gdańsk and one lane in the direction of Łódź.

For more information See where renovation works are currently being carried out