In our competition: AmberOne Close to Us, we received 8 applications, out of which 7 satisfied the formal requirements. All submitted applications were entered in the category: AmberOne Close to Us 5000. The jury selected 4 winning projects and awarded 1 distinction. Below, we present brief descriptions of the winning projects.
MOP – A Young Responsible Traveller – Applicant: Commune Public Library in Lubicz, commune of Lubicz, voivodship of Kuyavy-Pomerania
The project concerns organisation of summer holiday classes for children at five libraries in the commune of Lubicz. The educational classes will focus on topics connected broadly with safety and development of pro-environmental attitudes. The classes will involve meetings with a paramedic, police officer, fire-fighter, and a road patrol member. The children will also be taken for a trip to the road traffic fun park in Toruń. Under the project, the children will create a board game on the traffic rules, and posters promoting safety during the summer holidays. The project will also involve planting vegetation in the flower beds at the schools and pre-school.
The actions will bring the effect of increased conscious and responsible participation in road traffic, and triggered public interest in the safety issue. Joint planting of the vegetation in the flower beds at the schools and pre-school, followed by joint caring for and tending to the plants will constitute another permanent effect attained.
To Teach the Young, to Remind the Elder – Ecology and Health – Applicant: OSP [Voluntary Fire Fighters] Gorzędziej, commune of Subkowy, voivodship of Pomerania
The aim adopted for the project is to build a bicycle traffic fun park attractive to and original for the local community, which will address the needs voiced by the residents of the Gorzędziej village area.
Many residents cycle on local roads (frequently unlit) having no knowledge of the road traffic regulations or rules. The park will enable teaching children to cycle in compliance with the law, and refreshing the regulations to the adults. Not neglectable either, will be the organised training sessions in first pre-medical aid. All this will largely improve the safety of cyclists and of other participants in the road traffic. In its arrangement, the park will also provide opportunities to teach and promote the road traffic rules. The engagement of the residents in execution of the planned project will further pertain to their integration and rooting their identification with their home place even deeper. In addition, the plans envisage organising courses for the cycling licence and training in first pre-medical aid in subsequent years. The project includes placing information and training boards on the road traffic rules and first aid. The mounting of solar-sourced lighting on the site will make the park and its attractions accessible for much longer hours.
The site designated for the park will gain a lot in attractiveness for sport and recreation thanks to new lawns, new bushes and trees to be planted on the bicycle fun park route.
A Fairy-Tale Pond Thanks to Assistance of the AmberOne – Applicant: OSP Drzonowo, commune of Lisewo, voivodship of Kuyavy-Pomerania
The project goal is defined as clearing and revamping the neglected and partially overgrown pond in the centre of Drzonowo, and fencing it off on the road side with a metal fence. In pursuance of the project, the dwellers of Drzonowo will tidy and level the ground, plant trees, and arrange flower beds. Three wooden benches will be installed on the tidied site. The applicants anticipate that thanks to the actions Drzonowo will gain a place which will grow to become the „heart” of the village, and the existing view-spoiling pond will give way to a residents’ meeting place. With the terrain tidied, the drivers on the nearby road will also gain better visibility. In addition, the project will involve meetings organised for children and teenagers where fire-fighters will not only talk about safe behaviour on the road and in its vicinities, but also organise demonstrations for the youngest of how to give first aid.
Play the Green – Applicant: the Association for the Historic Heritage of Pomerania, commune of Pelplin, voivodship of Pomerania
The project aims at improving the safety of road traffic and the safety of children and teenagers going to and coming back from school. It is also intended to draw attention to the degree of pollution on our planet, continue educating the youngest in garbage segregation, and purchase and plant bushes on the school grounds of the Pelplin town and commune.
The project is addressed at the children and teenagers of the Pelplin town and commune.
Under the project, a road patrol member in his car will remind his audience of the rules governing the behaviour on and moving about the motorway, if the car breaks down or collides with another one.
The anticipated effect comes down to making the youngest aware of the need to protect the environment, segregate the garbage, particularly disposable foil packaging and plastic bottles, and reminding them of the safety rules in road traffic.
Rely on the Bicycle, or the intergenerational action: ‘This Is the Place I Live in, This Is the Place I Change, I Choose Clean Air for Our Community’ – Applicant: ‘Victoria’ Folk Sports Club in Lisewo, commune of Lisewo, voivodship of Kuyavy-Pomerania
The purpose of the project is to improve life quality of the community of the Lisewo locality by building two bicycle canopies in the central area of Lisewo and close to the locality of Lipienek with its ruins of a Teutonic castle, lying on the yellow foot and bicycle track. The canopies will serve as cycling stops for the residents and tourists alike, all riding the two-wheel vehicles. The project will involve purchasing durable, professional materials for the 2 canopies. The project will pertain to the effect of improved life quality of the residents, attained by putting up two bicycle canopies.
The canopies, once in place, will contribute to the attainment of manifold effects, namely:
– improved safety
– encouragement to opt for non-engine vehicles in the summer, which will add to improved air quality;
– promotion of tourism and recreation, including the tourist attractions of the Lisewo commune;
– improved aesthetic values of the neighbourhood.
Moreover, the project envisages purchasing reflective gadgets which will be distributed among the youngest at the official ceremony of handing the canopies over for use. The action will also pertain to improved safety of the youngest participants in the road traffic.
On 5 December, on the A1 motorway at the level of the Kleszczewko MOP, rescue services will carry out exercises consisting in the simulation of an accident. If you notice an accident between 10.00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m. while driving past the Kleszczewko MOP, please do not call the Operator’s emergency phone number or other rescue services with information about the accident, because during these hours the Kleszczewko MOP will be the place of exercises.
In connection with the planned exercises, the following will take place:
– closing the lane in the direction of Gdańsk and redirecting traffic through the Kleszczewko MOP – parking at the Kleszczewko MOP in the direction of Gdańsk will be inaccessible to heavy goods vehicles