In pursuance of the Safety – My Second Name campaign and its Stop by the Rules action, AmberOne A1 Motorway has had an adventure episode film developed, each episode carrying a moral message. The series is made up of several educational episodes pondering ways of stopping safely on the motorway and other issues.
There are 6 new episodes in the series altogether, three already had its premiere and three more will have it till the end of 2017. Those three are devoted to the following aspects of safe travelling: packing, breaks during the travel and application AmberOne. The other three, focusing on such issues as reading the km poles, keeping the right distance between cars and watching the accidents, will be shown till the end of this year.
The film stories develop in a light, humorous mood. Their star is a smart alec – boy son of the main characters, who wittingly shocks the parents with his knowledge of the ‘dos and don’ts’ while driving.
The films are available on the motorway youtube profile: and on its FB