PROJECT ‘EDWARD’ – European Day Without A Road Death

On 21 September (Thursday), all European countries will hold the 2nd edition of the EDWARD action.  Check-ups will be complemented with educational actions.  Those who will take part in the educational challenges designed by the Pomeranian Police will enjoy attractive prizes.

The officers of the Road Traffic Department of the Voivodship Police Headquarters in Gdańsk, who coordinate the project in the Pomeranian province, have designed numerous attractive educational events with prizes for both the drivers and passengers.  Other institutions, outside the police organisation, have also joined in to cooperate: the Voivodship Inspectorate for Road Transport, Pomeranian Road Traffic Centre, Pomeranian Road Traffic Safety Board, Gdańsk Centre for Preventing Addictions, and the concessionaire of the AmberOne motorway.

The check-ups by the Police and road transport inspectors will be conducted all over the voivodship.  Numerous stop points have been set up for automobiles, trucks, and coaches.  On the day, the drivers can be sure to be monitored stricter for behaviours pertaining to the tragic aftermaths of traffic accidents, i.e. excessive speeding, alcohol intake, unfastened seatbelts, incorrect take-overs, and wrong carriage of people.

Each partner in the action has prepared educational actions addressed for anyone keen to join in.  Feel invited to participate and win attractive prizes.  One of the places where the educational action will take place is MOP Olsze (direction of Łódź).

Where from 9:00 till 14:00 the officers of the Road Traffic Department, Voivodship Police Headquarters in Gdańsk, will be teaching first aid on a manikin; they will also remind us of the correct way to carry people, and of the way the grounded vehicle must be marked.  A slalom race will also be held – in alco-vision goggles.

Attention Driver, rescue services exercises on A1!

On 5 December, on the A1 motorway at the level of the Kleszczewko MOP, rescue services will carry out exercises consisting in the simulation of an accident. If you notice an accident between 10.00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m. while driving past the Kleszczewko MOP, please do not call the Operator’s emergency phone number or other rescue services with information about the accident, because during these hours the Kleszczewko MOP will be the place of exercises.

In connection with the planned exercises, the following will take place:

– closing the lane in the direction of Gdańsk and redirecting traffic through the Kleszczewko MOP – parking at the Kleszczewko MOP in the direction of Gdańsk will be inaccessible to heavy goods vehicles