
There are already 6 petrol stations on the AmberOne A1 Motorway.

At the end of December, Orlen petrol stations were opened at MOP Kleszczewko east and MOP Kleszczewko west, thus the number of petrol stations on our motorway increased to six.

Other petrol stations are located on MOP Olsze (east and west), the operator of these stations is Shell and on MOP Malankowo (east and west), where the operator is Lotos.

Both MOP Olsze and MOP Malankowo have chargers for electric vehicles.

Km 65+74 between the Kopytkowo – Warlubie junctions:

The Warlubie junction is closed in the direction of Gdańsk. MOP Gajewo is closed in the direction of Gdańsk.

Traffic takes place on two lanes in the direction of Łódź and one lane in the direction of Gdańsk.

Km 24+30 between the Swarożyn – Pelplin junctions:

The Swarożyn junction is closed in the direction of Łódź.

Traffic takes place on two lanes in the direction of Gdańsk and one lane in the direction of Łódź.

For more information See where renovation works are currently being carried out