
Another fleet card on the A1 AmberOne Motorway

As of December a new fleed card FLOTA is available on the A1 AmberOne Motorway as a method payment.

There are several methods you can use to pay the toll on the A1 AmberOne Motorway (cash, including the EUR and USD, and pay cards, also of the proximity type).  As of 18th December 2015, the range of the payment methods including fleet cards will be extended with FLOTA.

From now on the fleet cards the drivers are able to use to pay the toll on the A1 AmberOne Motorway are Shell, Routex, UTA, DKV and FLOTA.  Further fleet cards existing in the market will be introduced successively as the Minister approves the agreements reached.

Km 65+74 between the Kopytkowo – Warlubie junctions:

The Warlubie junction is closed in the direction of Gdańsk. MOP Gajewo is closed in the direction of Gdańsk.

Traffic takes place on two lanes in the direction of Łódź and one lane in the direction of Gdańsk.

Km 24+30 between the Swarożyn – Pelplin junctions:

The Swarożyn junction is closed in the direction of Łódź.

Traffic takes place on two lanes in the direction of Gdańsk and one lane in the direction of Łódź.

For more information See where renovation works are currently being carried out