The Amber + loyalty program starts in June!

Dear drivers, we invite you to the next edition of the Amber + program. Spring outside the window, summer just around here, and the rewards for using our motorway are waiting for you!  

This year’s Amber + edition is available for all vehicle categories (excluding motorcycles) using the AmberOne A1 Motorway. For security reasons due to the prevailing Covid-19 pandemic, the Amber + program will be initially only available to drivers paying tolls in the AmberGO system.

AmberGO is the safest and fastest way to pay for AmberOne on the A1 Motorway. Users paying in a traditional way will be able to join the program at a later date, depending on the current epidemiological situation.

What do you need to do to join the Amber + program in electronic version?

  • Register in the AmberGO system by choosing the free payment processing application (Skycash or Autopay).
  • If you are an active AmberGO user, all you have to do is accept the regulations and agree to participate by clicking the appropriate button in the payment application (Skycash or Autopay).
  • Collect stamps for AmberOne trips on the A1 Motorway in the application (Skycash or Autopay).
  • After collecting a set of 8 stamps / journeys in the application (Skycash or Autopay), collect the prize: a glass travel bottle in a thermal case! You can collect the award at SHELL stations at MOP Olsze East  and MOP Olsze West until December 31, 2020 or while supplies last.
Attention Driver, rescue services exercises on A1!

On 5 December, on the A1 motorway at the level of the Kleszczewko MOP, rescue services will carry out exercises consisting in the simulation of an accident. If you notice an accident between 10.00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m. while driving past the Kleszczewko MOP, please do not call the Operator’s emergency phone number or other rescue services with information about the accident, because during these hours the Kleszczewko MOP will be the place of exercises.

In connection with the planned exercises, the following will take place:

– closing the lane in the direction of Gdańsk and redirecting traffic through the Kleszczewko MOP – parking at the Kleszczewko MOP in the direction of Gdańsk will be inaccessible to heavy goods vehicles